I LOVE SUMMER! What's not to love? Juicy watermelons, fresh berries, long days, bright sun (an
endangered specie in Oregon). It is close to impossible to be in a bad mood during the summer (I manage, of course). So, my friend Jessie and I have been trying to see exactly how many
activities we can fit into these long days with our four children. Our weekly agenda includes a couple of episodes of
berry picking (we have just finished strawberries and have recently moved on to raspberries and blueberries) a trip to the wading pool. Two weeks ago we took the kids there to get some professional pictures taken. All of you with little children out there know exactly how much work it is to get at least one decent picture out of a long session with your child. Well, since we like the challenge, we decided to go for two photo shoots at two different studios at the Salem Center. Needless to say, we got quite a workout pushing our double strollers up and down the mall, running between the studios, waiting in line, making silly faces at the children trying to make them smile, running back to the first location to pick up the pictures, then returning to the second one... Well that experience is not for those with health concerns, attempt at your own risk!

(Jessie, Jonas, Ella, Benjamin, and Elena taking a break between photo shoots)
Well, children had a time of their lives and got rewarded for their stellar behavior during the shoots with some smoothies and a trip to the neighborhood park.

Jonas is quite a smoothie boy

Lena & Benjamin at the park in Salem

Blowing bubbles with brother
Daddy's little helper
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