Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Adventures in DISNEYLAND

So, we did it! Our family survived this tax season and we decided to reward ourselves with a trip to Disneyland and San Diego! In order to avoid all the "when are we going?" questions, Lena and mom created a long paper chain, and Lena was faithfully taking off a link a day, until the very day of departure (she did try to speed the time up by taking two a day at first!).

Mom got the kids special luggage sets, hoping that would encourage them to help with the carrying part... (no such luck)! After they were done posing for the pictures, daddy and I got stuck with two "too heavy" backpacks...


The kids did really well on the airplane (afterall, two hour flight is NOTHING compare to our Russia trip last year - 30 hours of travel one way). However, Lena was a little suspicious of the whole evacuation process - this is her studying the brochure.

Our double stroller was an absolute life saver... Not only we loaded that thing up with all the supplies that come with children (snacks, change of clothes, entertainment, etc), Benjamin was able to take naps in it as well.

At the Park

Everyone who knows my kids, knows how much Benjamin loves Peter Pan and Captain Hook (read: obsessed with them), so several weeks prior to the trip, daddy got him a Peter Pan costume. Well, the first thing Benjamin demanded we pack, was that costume (complete with a sword!). And that's what he wanted to wear in Disneyland! Luckly, I was informed that there are a lot of "weird" people in Disneyland, so he wouldn't stand out that much... Anyway, the first ride we went on was "The Flight of Peter Pan"...

So, here are my Peter Pan and Fairy, enjoying their very first ride...

More CA fun to come....


Grandma said...

I loved the pictures of the cutest fairy and Peter Pan I have ever seen.

Marina said...

I love the comment about Lena and her being concerned about evacuation process. She looks so serious on that picture. Peter Pan- it is the cutest costume ever. He looks so adorable in it. Love the hat.